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Meditainment is suitable for meditation beginners, as well as the more experienced as a refreshing alternative. Whether you're a novice or a mage, you will gain enjoyment and benefit from program. The 3 voyages on the program have been crafted as a progressive journey, intentionally presenting the most easy and straightforward experiences earlier on.

The Meditainment program is from Wellmind Health, who offer cost-effective solutions in both healthcare and enterprise, to suit any size organisation. Find out more about providing the program in your workplace or health service here.

A web-based program that takes you on a series of extraordinary guided meditation voyages, created to help you become more rested, empowered and inspired. It's meditation that takes you places... over 12-weeks you'll be led on an exciting journey comprising of 3 voyages, each with 6 unique meditative destinations, wellbeing themes, supporting motivational emails and surprise meditation bonuses.

No, Meditainment is only delivered as a web-app. This means you can access the guided meditation course using any of your devices, simply over the internet using a web browser. You can choose to save our web-app icon to your phone or tablet's Home Screen (from your web browser menu, or when prompted) for easy access to the course; used with the 'Remember Me' function at login, and you'll be meditating in just a couple of clicks.

Each voyage on the guided meditation program takes 4-weeks to complete. If you're still journeying through the destinations on an earlier voyage, you won't be able to move onto the next voyage, until you have unlocked it. We'll send you an email to let you know once you can start a new voyage.

Meditainment is only available to individuals via our licensed healthcare and enterprise partners. Find out more about program licensing here.

The program consists of three exciting guided meditation voyages. Each voyage includes a total of six destinations. When starting each voyage, you will receive immediate access to three unique destinations, which you can enjoy as many times as you like and in any order you choose. Further destinations will then be unlocked for you, one at a time on a weekly basis, with each voyage taking a total of 4-weeks. It's meditation that takes you places and we will guide you every step of the way, including motivational emails; so, remember to add us to your safe senders list so you don't miss anything:

Each of the three voyages on the guided meditation program takes 4-weeks to complete. So, it will take you 12-weeks or more to complete the entire program. But you can take as long as you like, and will always have access. We'll pause the program at the start of each voyage, until you're ready to continue, so you don't miss anything.

Meditainment is a a fusion of meditation and visualisation. The guided meditations include visualisation techniques with stories, music and authentic sounds of nature. The audio led meditations are created to be engaging and inclusive so that meditation and its amazing benefits can easily be enjoyed by everyone!