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About Meditainment

Meditainment is a unique blend of guided meditation and visualisation, enhanced with relaxing music and authentic sounds of nature that leads people on a fantastical multi-meditation journey, discovering imaginative audio-guided adventures that promote a regular meditation practice and incredible lasting benefits.

Over the 3-modules of this flexible web-based program you can expect to noticeably improve your mental health and wellbeing and gain meditation skills and practical relaxation techniques to effectively manage stress and day-to-day challenges in the long term.

Our experts guide you every step of the way, so all you have to do is sit back, close your eyes and enjoy your journey. You can take part at your own pace and have access to the meditations from the program for life. Some time and motivation are required to achieve the most benefit; the key is regular practice.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board logo
This course has been funded by the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) and is free to people living or working in the Health Board's catchment area: Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport and Torfaen.

“Meditation is widely recognised as one of the best stress relievers and mood boosters, with growing evidence supporting its benefit to both mental and physical health.

Some benefits can be felt immediately after meditating, including slower calmer breathing, released feelings of stress, or drifting into a natural sleep and benefits over the long term can include reduced blood pressure and pain, less stress and anxiety, a more positive outlook and increased motivation and zest for life.

You do not need to be feeling stressed to take part in the journey, each guided meditation is simple to follow, as easy as listening to a relaxing story with your eyes closed, allowing you to drift into a meditative state of mind within minutes.

We hope you might use Meditainment as an opportunity to take a little time each day to focus on yourself and your own wellbeing and encourage you all to try it.”

- Aneurin Bevan Gwent Public Health Team

Your participation in this course is personal and confidential, so please register with your personal email address to enable you to engage with the course more effectively. Once registered, Meditainment is yours to keep forever.

Flexible, accessible and on-demand

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Midwife - Health Visitor/Flying Start - GP - Psychological Health Practitioner - Work - College - Friend - Other (please state)

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e.g 1971 (Not required)

Midwife - Health Visitor/Flying Start - GP - Psychological Health Practitioner - Work - College - Friend - Other (please state)

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  • Minimum length of 14 characters
  • Contains at least 1 number
  • Contains at least 1 uppercase letter
  • Contains at least 1 lowercase letter
  • Contains at least 1 special character

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If you have trouble registering or need technical support, please get in touch:

+44 (0)1273 325136